Reviewed!: South Park 1305 "Fishsticks": All-Ego... Plus a Song!!

South park has been down for a while in my opinion, episodes weren't as funny anymore, and I felt that they peaked in seasons 6 to 9 and everything went down from there, but looks like the folks at South Park Studios decided to change all that with this awesome new episode "Fishsitcks" that aired last Wednesday.

ATTENTION: SPOILER ALERT! Even the video might spoil it for you!

kanye 2

I have to say, I laughed my friggin ass off watching this episode! And Cartman SHINES again in this one too! This might just be one of the best south park episodes EVER! It's a South Park CLASSIC!! Poking at Kanye West's ego was just so friggin awesome!

And of course, Cartman kept getting funnier in the episode. Welcome back funny South Park, we missed you!

Here's a short version of the plot:
Jimmy comes up with one of the funniest jokes of all time and Cartman takes half the credit for it:

A: Do you like Fishdicks?
B: Yes.
A: Do you like putting fishdicks in your mouth?
B: Yes.
A: What are you, a gay fish?

Jimmy is upset that Cartman is taking credit, and discusses it with his friends. He decides to stand his ground, upsetting Cartman, who genuinely believes he helped create the joke.

Kyle says to Cartman that his ego is so big that he subconsciously remembers things incorrectly to make himself more important. This is supplemented by Cartman's ridiculous flashbacks to the creation of the joke with Cartman believing he also has Human-Torch super powers, slayed a dragon and defeated an army of "Jew-bots" in the process.

Meanwhile, the joke is so funny that it is brought up by Jimmy Kimmel, David Letterman and Jay Leno. Carlos Mencia then goes on Conan O'Brien's show claiming credit for the joke. The joke is played on Kanye West, who DOESN'T GET THE JOKE, and attempts to solve it, eventually resorting to brutally torturing and murdering Mencia, who admits that he steals jokes to compensate for not being funny and having no penis.

After Cartman and Jimmy go on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, they are attacked by Kanye West. Finally, Cartman lays the blame on Jimmy for trying to write himself into the joke, now thinking that Jimmy's ego was the twisted one.

Kanye West has an epiphany and realizes that he is, in fact, a gay fish. He then dresses in an open chested wetsuit and dives into the ocean, while singing a song titled "I'm a Gay Fish", similar to Kanye West's "Heartless", and french kissing a Garibaldi and humping an Atlantic Goliath grouper (those are names of fish by the way!).

And guess what... the FULL SONG that you won't find even in the episode... is brought to you by Ass Buster! How awesome are we?!!

Side note: Screw Youtube sideways on a giant greasy stick in the middle of a public square where pedestrians can pass by and spit on its huge ugly ass red box!! They not only removed the video, but also suspended my account! That's it, I'm using Vimeo and Ikbis from now on!

But first, what did Kanye West have to say about that?

West wrote on his blog (in all caps), "SOUTH PARK MURDERED ME LAST NIGHT AND ITS PRETTY FUNNY. IT HURTS MY FEELINGS BUT WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM SOUTH PARK!" West thanked the South Park writers in his blog entry and acknowledged he has a problem with his ego, but said he was trying to change.

This is a must-see even if you HATE South Park... you'll love it!!

You can watch the full episode now online... Click Here

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