Egypt Get's Media Attention Over Bullshit About The Match Against The U.S.

Alright so I havent been blogging over here for a while (due to alot of reporting over on but for the past few days the Egyptian National Football Team has been getting a great deal of attention at this year's Fifa Confederations Cup.

2 days ago Egypt scored a historic win against World Champions Italy 1-0, with a stunning (literally see Buffon's facial expression) corner kick by Abu Trayka to Hommos to score a goal that simply went into history.

Today, Egypt had their qualifying match against The U.S.

Alot of fans had high hopes for Egypt to win this game while The U.S. losing against both Italy and Brazil (oh did I mention that Egypt almost tied against Brazil, and truly got the Samba lovers dancing, in a heated match that ended 4-3 for Brazil, with a penalty kick) had a slimmer chance.

Amr Adeeb one of Egypt's loudest and most popular T.V. hosts, lashed out and bashed the team to an UNPROFESSIONAL, UNPREDICTABLE, and certainly UNACCEPTABLE extent.

There seems to be rumors about a few players picking up some prostitutes after their match with Italy or.... Whatever bullshit they want to report.

Apparently Amr Adeeb saw this as a "hot lead" something worth reporting about right after the team's loss, which in no way was necessary. The team just had a victorious win over Italy about 48 hours before their match with The U.S. did it take you only 48 hours to turn against the best and most popular team in our countries history?

Even if it did, do you think it was an appropriate time to tarnish their good name with a lousy report? How many times have we heard about sex scandals involving players? how many times did we find out later on that it was full of shit? how many times do we have to go through this shit again and again? Why cant we enjoy our team's success without digging through dust?

It's true that the rumors have been reported by alot of news outlets mainly on the internet and the "Sunday World". I wont get into the credibility of these sources, or whether or not the whole story is true. But I will say this, it was first reported that there was a theft that occurred when the team got back to their hotel right after their match with Italy, but then later it was said that it would be prostitutes that where behind the stolen wallets. Please keep in mind that South Africa is organizing 2010's World Cup, and Fifa had doubts ever since they chose the country as the first African host for the tournament, due to the high crime rate, a breaking and entering scandal could easily take their rights away to host the Cup. Keep that in mind.

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