Kanye West Speaks With Leno

You probably watched one of many youtube parody clips about the Kayne West/Taylor Swift VMA moment on stage, as in Kanye interrupting Swift during her acceptance speech, praising Beyonce's video as one of the best videos of all time (apparently he was trying to point that there was some sort of a scam, really? it's the VMAs douche bag, it's all a fucking scam!) but that's not the point (if it was I would've posted about this a long time ago, meh)

Following the VMA's Kanye appeared on the "Jay Leno Show" (basically the tonight show in a different time slot, and a different set) to perform along with Jay-Z and Rihanna. Prior to the performance, West sat down with Leno to talk about the incident in which Jay decided to give him a low blow, asking him what his late mother would've thought about the whole thing.

Kanye West has a great publicist if you ask me.

Whatever this whole thing is, it certainly marks the end of Kanye West being a respected musician and marks the beginning of his journey as part of "the league" of washed up celebs. It's not like the first time he does something like that but people seem to have had enough of him and his auto-tune crapness.

It's been reported that Barrack Obama supposedly called West a "jackass" when asked about the whole thing, there is an audio clip of him talking to some people about it...not sure how legit this is though...

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